Budding Fashion Designers

Ms. Sloan from the ALC was looking for funding to purchase dress forms to be used to support budding fashion design students. The students will make garments to be modeled in front of their peers at the school fashion show. One student designer will be selected to model in the wildly popular Studs, Struts, and Stilettoes local fashion show, which raises money for Habitat For Humanity. Participation in a project like this, with a strong collaboration with community partners, benefits our students in countless ways. One of the most impactful is that it shows them that they have unique talents, and gifts that can contribute to the greater good. Students who attend our Alternative Learning Center have experienced barriers that make academic achievement difficult, such as mental health struggles, chemical dependency, homelessness, and a variety of trauma.

‘Thank you so much for supporting the students in my classroom. We will use these dress forms to create wearable works of art. Being a part of projects like this gives my students important experiences that inspire hope for the future. We will use these dress forms to create wearable works of art.’

With gratitude,
Mrs. Sloan


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